Calculation of the distance of an observed object from 2 different locations with the parallax method.

Enter Lat. and Long. of the 2 observation points.
Coordinates Location #1:
Degrees Minutes Seconds Degrees Minutes Seconds
Lat. #1: Long. #1:
Coordinates Location #2:
Degrees Minutes Seconds Degrees Minutes Seconds
Lat. #2: Long. #2:
Chord between the 2 locations: km
Earth's mean square radius 6.373,04 km

Insert A.R. and Decl. of the astrometric measurements of the CCD images, taken at the same time.

Astrometric (A.R. / Decl.) Hours Minutes Seconds Degrees Minutes Seconds
First Set of Coordinates A.R. e Decl.
Second Set of Coordinates A.R. e Decl.


Parallax Angle (radian): Parallax Angle (sexagesimals): Calcolo manuale:
Insert Parallax Angle (in decimals):
Insert Chord in km:
Converti Unità di Misura:
Examples with parallax measurements extracted from GAIA
(Stelle più vicine al Sole

The ends of the segment indicate with extreme precision the Lat. and Long. coordinates of the 2 observation points.

Visitor #: 3292

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